13 March 2008

Idioms for Idiots

Last week....
Teacher : class, this week you are going to learn Idioms and if you like this book I'm going to show you, we can keep reading it every reading period.
Woan of 3H : cherr.. what is Idioms.. is it for Idiots?
Teacher: Good God! No!! (hahahahah) Ha Ha Ha but you are so right.. (after realising that it seems so... )
Teacher: *thinks*

March 12th. Reading Dictionary of Idioms. Woan is the girl on the left he he he...

Two days ago, as I was walking past the foyer I bumped into Izzat,dressed casually... as if he was out at the Mall.. looking rather handsome (he thinks kekekeke) and showing a little bit of muscle. I wondered.... hmm... is he supposed to be at school? dressed like that?.. when suddenly.. he addressed me..
Izzat: cheeerr... aku ari anie absent nie...
Teacher: *frowns* (looks at him from head to toe, smiling)
Izzat: *grins*
Teacher: kalau kau absent.. apa nie dapan teacher anie...
Both: ha ha ha ha ha..... (&*^%$$#)
Izzat: *moved backwards ready to run*
This is his picture... He escapes class at least 3x a week.... hehhehehe....

Albert. Poor boy. I fear for the safety of other students. He yells at them. He is not normal. Last week he yelled aloud on the second floor saying "I'm going to commit suicide". So, sunshine went downstairs ready to catch Albert in case he jumps. hehehe.. sunshine is... this tall teacher at school, too tall he blocks my sun hahaha.... His name is Hadimi actually.. hahaha ....

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