11 March 2008

Liverpool Fan Outing

Shopping with Nenek.... during the babysitting hours hehehehe....
The new baby sitter..... holding Raiyan..specially flown from Taiwan. Made in Taiwan hahaha.. I want that shirt, when I go to Taiwan in a few months, I will buy one for everyone hahahhaa....
Ha ha ha... one thing the Neneks didnt know.... was... Mumzie never let Raiyan out in shorts! Oh well.... he has a lot of insect bites... very sensitive.. the wound gets big and scary usually then leaves a scar... to see the scars... is a reminder, so I usually cover him out.... poor chap....
Shopping at WYWY , photos courtesy of Nenek K's MMS..... he he he.. exciting time for Raiyan, he is out everyday if he is at Neneks.

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