31 January 2008

Racing Car Night Out

At about 10.30pm , we went to watch Uncle Bak at his Racing Car Spot @ Stadium Berakas. It was soooo much funn.... as we were under the bridge.. we rolled down the roof and sat in the car .. and RL was awfully still, you know how he gets around things that move..he he he.. he was too scared and stayed in the Beemer for a longgg time..

He also had a bit of drifting time with Uncle Bak's Ferrari racing car.

RLs 3rd movie date - CUCI

RL went to watch a movie with Nenek A & Uncle Bak this afternoon @qlap Mall. Steady ehhh mobile Uncle Bak.. can take a good pix inside the cinema.... RL enjoyed the movie and clapped, and only started running around the last 30 mins of the movie... as usual...

Swollen-eyed Raiyan

Up at 9 am today.. uwaaa yesterday was better.. we woke up , yeah we.. woke up at 10am... and RL ..... as usual... rolls in bed for a bit before he yells for Mumzie... and on Mumzie's bed.. clothpins fenzy again...*sigh* Pink arrow indicates the swollen mosquito bitten eye.
He writes... and tantrum invades in the end ha ha ha... This child gets boreddd eaaaasiiiillyyyy.... I somehow feel... that maybe I am the one who didnt get him enough toys?
Sometimes, Mumzie lets him play with some powder.. just to keep him on my bed..... it only takes one time to show him how things are done. I repeat 'one time'. One time only. No kidding.... he is an extremely fast learner.. so peeps.. do not.... show him to do things that can prove fatal to him.

30 January 2008

Men know Nothing.

A while ago , I posted on this book Everything Men Know About Women. Only to find out the content is .. blank! Just to update... here is the back cover of the book... he he he and it costs $9.90. It was tempting to buy.. just too real... it is apparently true.. that men dont know anything about women......... he he he ..

The book was ironically published solely for the purpose of.. a joke. Literally. To remind men that there is nothing they will ever understand about women... he he he he....

29 January 2008

Bath Time Blunder

hehehehe.. this is the latest attempt at making sure he doesnt slip on the bathroom floor.. I still need to learn how to.. wash his hair without irritating him.. and notice he likes the small ducks in the bucket only.. he always throws the Mummy Duck away.
In his cot.. yeah you guessed right! Daddy was home for lunch... and placed him in the cot haha... his way of getting .. solitude? But hey he is a great dad.. he takes care of Raiyan better than I do (Mum thinks so but I dont think so, I'm the best you can get... just like Gillette heheh)

RL and his switch addiction

This boy ... always switches off the socket! Sometimes I miss .... and have my eyes wide open to only realise a lot later that his hot water dispenser is off! After he gets to switch off the one with the 'red' light indicator.. he moves away from the spot and do other things.. I even changed the socket to the very end so it is not within reach.. and he still managed to reach it .. look at the pix *sigh*

In Bed on a Tuesday

Both of us.. in bed.. I was away from work today. Notice RL's left eye? Mosquito bite to top the flu and cough he has.. poor boy... and his favourite pasttime.. playing with the clothpins and at one stage he ran to me for help cos he pinned his palm with one hahaha.. funny.. and being in that basket.. with Mousey... usually leaves him contented for hours....

RL and his colourful medicine... poor boy hates it when we forcehim to gobble the liquid.. yeah.. the word is gobble.... and at night he had two different doses.

Childhood Reminisce

Shikin & Dinny
Shikin & Dinny & that orange tong I still remember getting into.... hehehe
Shikin @ Muara . I still remember this trip. Believe me...
Shikin and not my stage.. I also still remember this day.
Shikin. This I dont remember at all hehehehe..

Nostalgic Past....

1994? 1995?
Singaporeeeee~ The place to be.. also will be the area where F1 Singapore 2008 will take place. ..around Marina Bay..

Trafalgar Square - Dinny missing.. Was he in KL? Singapore? Not sure...ahhh.. how we spent our summer.. well.. we never really did stay for summer.. the minute London got too hot.. we left! Taken during our Racing Car and Hockey days in Hyde Park, Queensway corner, across our apartment.

Mahal nie mahal~ Rina and Hazrul.. dating days.. summerr.. in front of Brunei Hall... ahh perrier days....to quench the thirst...

28 January 2008

When a child gives in~

When a child admits defeat.... *sigh* what can RL do when daddy puts him in the cot?

RL thinks : If you cant beat 'em.. join 'em.. sorta thing... lemme just enjoyyy daaa lifeee in hereeee~ uhh ohh does make you *yawn* kinda sleepy yeaaa?
The top-right pix is tonight's ...the rest were this afternoon's pixies...
Mumzie is unwell....just look at that face (excuses... excusessss... )
*achoo* or in RL's words *at-teng*
He says that everytime he pretends to sneeze or imitates you.
At KFC... RL had mashed potatoes... just him. We were bored at home so went cruising...cos we shouldnt spend money on a Monday. he he he..... but somehow I felt RL has not been eating well... hence why we took him to KFC for a while.

Haiqal And Mumzie Ikin

No doubt. The son of Rina looks like the auntie Ikin.. ha ha ha ha...

In Memory of Tiger....

Don't cry ok kiddos... *sigh* Tiger was our first cat.. he had a heart-shape on his body... This also reminds me of our second cat Sox. We also regret the demise of Sox, while Dinny was abroad.... last year.... end of the year... Dad didnt want to believe that Sox had died .. he waited for a long time before he burried Sox... in the hope that it was just in deep sleep.. poor people..yatah nahhhhhhh! Living with cats.. he he he he...

When sox died , Dad and I had a conversation, I think it went something like this:

ikin: babah bagitau tah udah Dinny?
babah: balum...
ikin: boh.. pengsan tu ia mun ia tau...
babah: yatah .. tunggu tia balik.. (krg ingau ati nya kah apa nya babah)
ikin: oooo.... kesian jua ah si sox... ( background sunyi dan tak terkata lagi)
ikin: eh jgn tah bagitau eh! karang menangis ia di sana.. emosi krg ia.... tunggu tia balik...
babah: iatah tu...
babah: ku gambar pulang ia... batah jua ia ku ampai kan.. ku garak2.. mana tau ia benyawa (half-smiled)
ikin: (dalam hati becakap.. sadang2 jua durang cat lover anie.. mati bah udah tu kucing ah.. bukan tidur.. mun bebungkus lama alum garak2 atu)
babah : (silence)
ikin: (dalam hati becakap lagi, booh atuuu....percaya laaa.. mati udah tu sox ah.. dui lilah)
babah: yatah magrib.. ku dangar kan lagi.. mana tau ada bunyi jantung nya.... (sambil melihat kebawah)

si mai membaca msg anie: mantan praysidan loh mampos yah... (out.. out.. hahahahah)
ikin membalas msg si mai: ya udah... ntar gue lempar ama jeruk barrrley nya ....
si mai membalas lagi : cho-chuo... eeembah baro balek dari lebanon yahhh *uhuk* *uhuk*
ikin membalas lagi ni: jangan menoleh kebalakang...nanti embahhh tempel-leng.

27 January 2008

Saturday Payday Mayday!

An attempt to window shop or seriously shop at The Mall on Saturday Nite... not realising it was payday! No parking! Mum and Dad, the Neneks didnt even make it! They left the parking lot in the end! RL's daddy spent more than an hour being stuck in traffic...... so Mumzie had to entertain RL with the boys...
Pak Yus, Tuan Azyme and Bro Jirul.... the ones marked with yellow arrows hehehe... and Daddy almost didnt make it to the surface at all! Well.. RL displaying his BOYS WILL BE BOYS shirt.. he has a lot of this collection now .. courtesy of Neneks from their last UK Trip. Thanks. Here, RL went shopping and aint even scared of the crowd.. got too friendly... with the salesgirl!
Unpaid Model's look. ha ha ha ha ha.. Sarsaparilla.... *inside joke*
Eme said it tastes bitter... I am actually addicted to the distilled sarsi this Term. Hopefully, people think it might be coke in my bottle hahaha.. maluuu.... intake melaya.

Homemade Pizza!

Howzy spend our Sunday?

Pizza Time............That's right! Moi.. me..... aku bah... made Pizza.. he he he .. surreal yet believable......

The Work Station..... tadaaaaaaaaa~
The Preparation ( 4 solid hours!!)
Your Step by Step guide - home-made Pizza~
Syazwan came to visit that Sunday Night too.. he was crying.. he has such a cute cry you wish he'd cry all night.. but alas.. look here.. he is playing the drums! No kidding!! I showed him that if you tap the orange button it will produce a sound. He kept putting his feet on it and moving it away and hit, away and hit!
Some people ... he he he... beyond their age.. still gets excited over children's toys.. Daddy here, caught in the act! I'm sure he didnt even notice the photo being taken ha ha ha ha... this one's for you , 'cupcake'.
RL and his typical allign the balls fun.... how clever.... Neneks were around as well.. but mum 'ia' skeptical about having her pictures taken... he he he potpet potpet.. sigh.... payah tah sudah nie since ia ada online saja lately anie krg....usually Nenek K gets online and checks for her.. now mesti tia selective pix of her.. or get the 3rd degree.. hehee.....
Rina ~~ give me your password.. hahaha.. so I can hack into it.. and publish her photos... and you get told off instead.. wakakaka...

Toxic Phones?

I can speak for all of us that I am sure we all use our right ear more often! By the way, I'm still deaf haha.. so I still need to get used to the left ear.... to answer calls. Good for me.
he he he... this is the thing.. go to war... send a man to war... and dont appreciate him when he dies because it was your fault to begin with..as a nation hehehe.... Get over it.. people did. Just remember your leader for the good father he was.. Mr Adoxx Hitxxx atu.. I dont wanna type his full name cos I sure dont want people to type his name and links to my blog keh keh keh...

26 January 2008

Indian Barbershop? - SPECIAL REPORT!

This must tickle everyone's fancy! hahhaa....

This also cant be kept until later ..it ought to be blogged about now! Right now! Something worth losing sleep to... or not? If it makes you lot laugh..... then it is worth my while hahaha!
We were at Nonya for Didi's Birthday Dinner.... when we peeped out the 1st floor window... Guess who was in line for a haircut? Bro Jirul ha ha ha ha... havoc.... made all the Indians perasannnn... we waved.. we flew kisses.. we even send Daddy M across to take a pix.
hahahaha.. kan if they are not scratching their scrotums... they are picking their noses.. hahaha very funny.. and look at Jirul's barber... tumpang glamour anie wah... and the long haired (tall, dark and handsome? What constitute tall, dark and handsome? ..ahh maybe but I think not. Not in this case) Although the long-haired did pose for us and smiled at us when we peeked through Nyonya's window hahahaha...

Glitter Graphics

ok.. ok... I'm gonna pee in my pants .. just laughing... Jirul there.. getting a special touch~ and shoutout to the one doing the peek-kaa-boo hahahaha.. sudah.. sudah.. pacahhh... pacahhhh *uhuk* *uhuk* and heheheh.. special thanks to my dear hubster haha for.. enduring the.. errr...scent to take this pix.... penyabar jua ah Jirul anie hehehe..

Message to Mai : This one's for you! ha ha ha ha.. sobbb... this is.. that good.. uwaaa hahahahaha!

Statement: I'm not racist. We just have a thing for posers... and special events - like when they pick their noses.... scratch while wearing sarongs...ehem ehem.. ganya majal anie bahh!! *inside joke among Bruneians*

Optimistic comments: The Indians are one of the smartest people yo....the youngest hacker comes from India... the Indian girls are beautiful, notice the Miss World's or Universe's contestants. Also, they dress smartly, buttoned top, collared shirts..... everywhere.. we can call that style. hehehee...... Another fact, they can afford to change 9x in every musical movie.. keh keh keh... ok.. atu majal....

To my beloved Indian friend in Kolkata ..you know who you are.....ehems... dont be offended.. or I'll kill you. It's not a choice.

RL - Shopping for DVDs

hmmm.. dvds on the floor? The shop must belong to his grandpapa ha ha ha..........

Ha .. Haa.... Haaa... This is a must blog about thing. RL .. as if he has seen it, done it all strut......... how adorable.... sometimes.. he really forgets that he is still a baby.... at 1 yr 5 months... yeaa... when we pretend to hold him like a baby in our arms and squeak when we talk to him, he laughs with a look on his face that says..' hehehee you guys are so funny treating me like baby Haiqal and Syazwan'. Besides, most of the time.... he even does the funny squeak and toys with the two younger boys...

Innitially, I wasnt gonna blog tonight... but shoutout to Jules , who ...currently has an infatuation with the... smell of.. pizza... haha... may your mornings and 'every single day' in UK be filled with the warmth and lurrrrveee we are spreading here on our blog. This one's for you.

This one is for Auntie Jules from baby RL... especially... he he he...Glitter Graphics

Anyhoots ( now I'm language conscious haha) , I actually am one of those people who hates people using SMS format, being an educator of the English Language.....but lately it becomes automatic and I 'relate to my surrounding' and accept sms format since an English Language Teacher texts me using short forms too... also the rest of the English Dept!!! (I thought.... like oooo she's duin' it too.. so it's okay then)... now.. I just hate people who.. change the spelling of a word... like meeting becomes miting. Ehem.. terasa Jirul tu.. but I keep telling him too! He just laughs it off..%^$#

Anyway, I shall put up pictures of Friday Birthday Bash for Didi and how we spent out Friday afternoon at Nenek by this evening. Meanwhile, feast your eyes on what we have presented you here..... he he he he. Over and Out.

Note: I am tempted to get by 2 hrs of sleep today cos Mister M ( for Jules' understanding only.. maybe) will be around in the afternoon to help me babysit.. keh keh keh

Friday's Ongoings

hhehehe... the gymnast..... in the morning...
How we spent Friday afternoon at Nenek's... Crying Frenzy for the boys... and new toys that can climb by itself.... hehehe.. wrestling fun too... the big and the bigger....
The Battle of the Fastest Baby Changing Contest. RL *chants* Go auntiess!! Go auntiessss!! At Didi's Birthday Dinner that night too.... He actually really posed for this one! Intrigued yet?

hehehe.... Mum warned everyone that we bloggers will put up anything on our blogs... so here goes...Rina posing... properly. Ever heard of.. paint editor? kaww..kawww..kawww....kaw.....

Anyway.. Saturday Night comingggggg~~. Shopping for Pizza stuff... am making Pizzas tmrw..tuna is on the menu... why? You guys dont think I can make one? hehehehe .. pixies to prove? Sure... Sureeeee.....