28 October 2008

Daddy's Favourite

hahahahaha.... should I tell Daddy O? He was worried about what he gonna consume at 2 cans a day.... hahaha..... hmmm...

In the news, Mr Brown coffee sold in Brunei has been declared safe for human consumption by its manufacturer, King Car Food Ind Co Ltd in Taiwan. This was highlighted by its distributor in Brunei, Aiking Trading Co Sdn Bhd to the Bulletin to clear the air arising from the melamine contamination.

"Mr Brown coffee is not the same product as Mr Brown 3-in-1 and mandheling packet coffee. Just last week, the Ministry of Health listed Mr Brown 3-in-1 and mandheling packet coffee as tainted items due to melamine contamination. Mr Brown's distributor in Brunei informed the public that Mr Brown 3-in-1 and mandheling packet coffee is not sold in Brunei," they said.

The manufacturer declared and guaranteed that the milk powder used in all Mr Brown coffee come from Australia and New Zealand and has been used for over 25 years.

27 October 2008

The 1st Official Day

It's an obligation to blog. I know especially Dinah marah krg kekekkee.. I miss you all guys... I shed a tear as I left te kitchen for the car this morning....
Usually I'd take the left lane to go into Manggis highway in order to get to work, at SMSSA. Today... it was the right lane that matters to get to the TungkuLink highway... *sigh* I left 7.20am hehehe my alarm clock set 15 mins later sudah hahaha..yahooooooooo.... (terkenang tah plg Dayenne yg takes an hour to get ready hahaha, tunggu I get my primer from Dinah, 1 hour tah jua me tu)

The way to MOE... tu nahhh the office...excitement took over.... *click* *click*
The second floor office. The International Relations Unit.. he he the fifth floor cani jua.... we teachers are familiar with the setting. my room is A202 ah guys... come and visit me in my lonely office.. keh keh keh tia krg.. I just dont want to show too much excitement..jauh ati kamu krg hehehe..... the guys are fun at IR! hehehehe... baibun saja....
What I hate. The lunch time effect..... usually when I come over to Ban, it's to pick Raiyan up..but today I was leaving after lunch for work again... with Babab.. mikin tia Raiyan nangis...This will be the only thing that will make me quit working. *sigh* I hope he starts talking fast so I know of his anguish when I leave him behind... I'm flying again on the 9th November... when the Boss told me about this on Saturday, I was more startled than excited. It was embarrassing when she asked me if I knew I was flying, I could only utter 'no'.... and *blank*

Of course I'd give anything to fly, but it's just me, I get emotional hehehe.. sikit lagi air air mata meeting keh keh keh.... but then again.. you guys know me well... Krisdayanti also can make me cry... with her powerful songs.
The makan... the welcoming hi-tea hehehe.. perasan.... it's also to say good bye to my colleagues who are soon to be posted to USA and Paris... actual ly it's a mini Hari Raya gathering, coincidently it is my first official day at the office.My room on the 2nd floor and my table on the 5th floor.. heheh I cant wait to decorate my room... heheheh yahoooo... today I had a back to back meeting from 9.30am till lunch hehehe.. siok jua.. lapar me..

25 October 2008

Stomp Stomp

His Nike shoes were still too big to be worn for an outing... so he wore it around the room.. for days on ends.

Flooded in

If org putih snowed in mun snowing time.. anie the two lads were flooded in keh keh keh....

The Last Day

What I will miss.... minus the Mickey Mouse... the English Dept will be short of one loudmouthed teacher... I love everyone at school.... everyone has their specialty.... the tantrums and the fun .. all of it... Mumzie, proudly displaying my name tag... sudah kan last day baru tah sebok pakai... it shows I'm proud of my school, and I even wore it to my Saturday afternoon meeting with the Boss.
Amal and I.... mellow... by the admin corridor... watching the world go by.... the quiet world.. hehehehehhe... not many were around after 1pm keh keh keh... and me.. I'd usually be at home by this time.... *sigh* we were like... bye mal....bye kin... as if we wont see each other casually during our Thu and Sat rituals keh keh keh...
What I left behind.. I wonder if I will miss the Monday obligation? hahaha.. no way.. actually I love the school and my friends so much I stayed another year before I moved away.. I was gonna quit.. really quit, then my lady Boss saved me... I'm thankful. Bye bye table.. bye bye Record Books... bye bye time table.. and most of all....... look below.

BYE BYE RELIEFS!!! The one on the left - my last relief paper for Thursday hehehhee.. and the ones on the wall belong to sunshine and his gang... hahhahaha... great idea....
Bye bye years of Monday blues.. actually I dont usually have a problem with the Monday hand-in of Record Book, cos I did them in the middle of the week and planned months ahead.. so...

To be honest, I only love the crowd and my students, I wouldnt want to teach anymore even for an extra 3k.I was ready to go, one way or another. It was a matter of typing the letter and having guts to resign. I get tired these days.. I blame my sleep time . But I couldnt sleep early as there were much to be done, and Raiyan never sleeps early to allow me do my other obligations.

Just for the record, I dedicated myself fully to my teaching, no matter how tired I got, I always gave my best. Thirst. Blood Rush.Non stop talking. I gave my all. I used to love teaching so much... parenthood changed that. It is just time to change. I did enjoy teaching to the very last day, eventhough it was tiring.
Saying good bye to the gang... it was very emotional for me... especially when I I knew I was gonna walk away.... for good. So I said.. wait *click* *click* I'd treasure the moments.... when they all looked so sad to see me go..show how good it has been. The only thing that I will miss. My friends.Alas.. Mike deserves his own photo here guys.. jan marah keh keh keh....cos he is too tall, it was hard to fit him 'fully' into the photo.... and here he is, looking on, at Amal and I ..punching out. The last day punch card. I'm so sorryyyyy I was never early... hehehehhee.. sorry boss...I miss the admin too... I thank them too for their great leadership... I hope Cg Zamain sees this..leave a msg boss hehehe.... I didnt get to say a proper good bye to him and Cg Noraini actually..inda sampat.. I only saw the back of Cg Noraini and the door of Cg Zamain. Sorry boss...
Bye bye SMSSA.... The best school there is. Percaya la...

24 October 2008


As we woke up and asked me to get him outta his cot, he always grabs his blanket and Mousey... inseparable...He likes placing the soft sofa on the bed.. and Mumzie is a dust-no-no freak.. arghhh!

A real poser...

23 October 2008

My Last Nap

Today.. the 23rd of October 2008 at about 1 to 3pm, I had my last afternoon nap... hehehe.. The Boss called me tonight to inform me that I will be at the office permanently as of Monday the 27th of October 2008. *sigh*

I wasnt prepared for that... hehehehehe.. I knew I was going to the office on Saturday on a social call.. then I know I have a meeting at 2pm... but I didnt know today was going to be my last nap with Raiyan in the afternoon. I'm so sad. If I knew I would have hugged him tightly, not just fiddled with his fingers and watched him sleep.

I am more affected on that part than anything.

ah.. I just had a thought , since tomorrow is Friday.. I can still take a nap with him... what am I saying.. there is a light at the end of the tunnel hehehe... what tunnel? ... I do work for the government, so I can still nap in the afternoons on Fridays.. yahooooooooo.... it's the quality time with Raiyan I'm more concerned about, not the nap. (awu bah nap atu jua...)

Let us hope I dont turn out to be this guy here... he he he

Anyway, now I can be sad about school. I love my school, believe it or not, the antics and tantrums and everything, I love it all.. never a dull day at SMSSA... every one at school has an effect on me... even the photocopy guy keh keh keh... he does all my papers on time!! sometimes even before schedule... I would rather dwell on him here whom I dont even talk to , than having to talk about the people close to me.. it's just too sad hehehe...

*sigh* I guess having a good administration and colleagues is hateful hehehe.. you just wish I have that I'm glad to go attitude.. but maybe it is better to have loved than not loved at all.. haha.. meaning.. (over jua eh) it is better to go having to miss many things rather than not going to miss anything at all, that means I am happy in the job. A good 8 years of teaching. If I had to do all this again, I'd do it this way again. I've also learnt to calm down over the years to a point where nothing bugs me at all.... he he he..

Today was also my paper, the English Language PMB paper..*sigh* pie chart and directions ani wahh uwaaaaaaaaa, other than that. I am happy... the question about the advantages and disadvantages of the internet came out. I know some of my students must be kicking themselves as they saw the question, if they didnt read the papers I gave them on that. arghhhhh!

Oh well.. sabar ko geng!(the fav expression in our Dept now) I will miss the English Department the most, the Department that never shuts up... he he he.. you cant have a mixture of atttitude in one department as interesting as ours... we are like a Science experiment , if you mix us, the department may explode! even using the right combination. I'm so gonna miss all the tantrums and sick jokes and even watching Dinah transforms herself, camouflaging herself with brushes.. ( she puts on her make up and co-ordinates everything according to the colourings of her clothes). But we are best remembered as, good friends, we cover each other's backs.

I have faith in our Department, we have different opinions but those differences make the jist, the essence of the noisiness hahaha...hang on in there you guys.. it's always like this for us... towards the end... it's time for the December holiday hahaha... so we will all be fine. Look at it this way... there is not a day that we couldnt laugh at someone hahaha among us. So that's gotta be something fun?

signing off. *sigh*

22 October 2008

Raiyan's obsession

The Nike shoes. Oversized.. drags it around the room everyday lately.
We got him an Alvin cartoon cd... I'm worried he is observing the attitude.. but if it keeps him 'still' ... I'm game!

19 October 2008

Putting Pants On

He took it outta his drawer and proceeded wearing it... I just watched and see how far he got.. waahhh... he was reliable. Tebalik pulang seluar nya so he walked funny... usai parking. Actually Daddy nya left the room and said to me 'put his pants on for him' , so, he just continued on his own.. so why move? I didnt even have to get up to get his pant for him..hehehe...

Mumzie's Fashion

So you guys think.... I was trying on a new fashion? by wearing a sarong... kebaya la tu? Nope. I tore my cotton sarong hahaha... everybody had a good laugh.. damn.. Mum claimed it was too tight anyway hahaha... I was sitting on the floor and felt a gap around my thighs hahaha... aii? I had to cancel every outing.. arghhhh!

10 October 2008

What I missed.

Hey peeps.. Here are some pixies of the lads during Hari Raya.. while I was away.. and oh btw I'm still jetlagged...back by 5pm on the 8th.. hehe will update soon...
aduhh... when I'm feeling bluee~~ all I have to do.. is take a look at this pix~ then I will be even more blueeeeeeeee~
Kesian Raiyan - the infamous phrase some tetris boys like to say to me... kesian eh Raiyan daddy nya tu salin kan baju masa Mumzie nada... (mcm tah selama anie bukan daddy nya yg pakai kan baju kan? keh keh keh)

Bahapa kan RL atu na?
Kesian ah usul Raiyan tunggu Mumzie balik kali uwaaa... apparently.. he will only look for me when his daddy takes him back to our home... so he was ok while I was gone la.. as he stayed at Neneks and Akong, but now.. he wouldnt even let me leave the room .. he'd cry!

Yes Boss.
The most talked about habit of Haiqal' at every Hari Raya visits nie.. ha ha ha mesti ada org di ikut nya nie.. apa kita 'tinjauuu' atu bapa nyaaaaaaaaaaa.. adeeeeeehhh~
mahal... mahal hahaha..cinder-tak-rela..tapi pernah I see this sudah.. di bilik mum..rupanya biasa ikut keraja anak anie...hahaha teluan di liat liat kan nah..

07 October 2008

What's in Canberra?

hooo hoooo wooohoooo... they come in different additional flavours now.. and look the ROLO... Daddy O I'll give you 'my last rolo' anytime.. hehehe that used to be an advert in UK peeps... hehehehe..they even ended up making a single rolo special pack with "I'll give you my last rolo anytime'.
ARGHHHHHHHHHH! Just for Rascal J. I hate sushi... membubut anie wah!!!
isk...isk... 2nd Edition yo? hehehehe
At about $10 you can grate your garlic on small letters that spell out 'garlic card', embossed cards they are, and you just grate your garlic on the letters... no holes.. you can even do that on your.. errrr... shoe sole hahaha...A waste of money. I like gadgets..but this is the worst! I didnt know there are useless gadgets around..

*more pix*