29 February 2008

Pizza Friday

Watching tv in the morning, before heading off to Nenek's

Getting comfortable... hehe...
Back from Nenek around 2.20pm.. exhausted... he actually cried for an hour because he wanted to go home... odd... usually he doesnt wanna be separated from his Uncle Bak and Nenek K.
At night we put his boots on. He wouldnt move at first cos it has been a while since we put on his Bob the Builder boots... hehehe.... He stood still. Gali ia...
Mai & I made Tuna Garlicoregano Pizza. Yum... Yum... It killed us.. Tiring. We made a lot... hahahaha.... It took us 3 hours.Mai's special uncut slice. What slice? That's a whole cut hahaha...The working station hehehe...The Pizza... ahhh.. zigazigaaaahh....

Awe Leap Year

He posed for the camera. I guess I have to accept the fact that he knows how to pose. He also claps when the camera clicks. At about 1am tonight, he .. yeah.. was still up!
Night Racer? Daddy had to entertain the coughing lad.
Overtime Architect . Constructing into the wee hours? He slept at about 1.30am! Hooobooyyy... I'm so gonna sleep through the morning in comfort.. he he he

28 February 2008

A Night at Seasons

New shoes. One size up today! Raiyan looking rugged. His cap can fit him now.. used to be a little loose.
*sip* *sip* He has not been eating well.. didnt eat for 2 days.. tssskkk.... no appetite. Flu related bug and
RL and Bro Leehan matched tonight. See what I meant? He points or tilt for the camera. hehehe... RL, not Bro Leehan haha...

A Day With Nenek

Nenek K's new job. Post retirement tasks... hehehe babysitting RL. He is back at Nenek Ban. It has been a while since he last stayed at his Nenek Ban during the day. Nenek didnt know about his passion for his blanket... which was cast aside on his baby carseat. He climbed out of bed to get it himself apparently and 'allowed' himself to be wrapped in it for an hour..
I thought he would have difficulty sleeping but by 11am he was neatly tucked into bed by Nenek K. He does get excited if he is sent to a an unfamiliar sleeping surrounding. Actually, he would normally take a nap by 10am.... at his other Nenek's.
The just got outta bed look. He was awoken at lunchtime and played with baby Syazwan. I have come to realise his two poses for the camera. 1- tilting to one side . 2- pointing at the camera.
At 5pm he was safely back at home and was soundly asleep. Must have been an exhausting day for him. Poor RL, I wish I didnt have to work! Serious. I can live that life of sleeping all day, with my son in tow.. hehehe... Well actually I was eerrr.. asleep from 1.3o to 5.30pm hahaha...

At 1pm, Daddy went to Neneks for lunch, not to pick up RL. Mumzie was at home waiting for RL, Nenek A wanted Mumzie to come in the afternoon to collect RL instead.

Mumzie: Bah... ok Raiyan? Krg ah ku ambil ptg.. hehe babam ku jap.. tidur kah ku 1hr kekeke...
NenekK: ok tu .. bah.

Daddy : Helloooo .. bah.. ada sikin ngambil alai udah... (5pm)
Nenek K: ahhh .. balum.. ada ia sini masih....
Daddy: ohhh tetidur kali ia.... (Daddy made 3 calls, missed calls to Mumzie keh keh keh keh)
Nenek K: Bukan tetidur tu.... tidur tu ia!

A Day in Pictures

What Mai had to do to keep her number on Mumzie's speed dial. Manual labour hahaha...she had to come equiped with her staples and staplers... wah... revealed....
My class has a 'Swear Box' , we are not allowed to take money from students but this box was prepared by a creative student called Arifah. I didnt want to discourage her enthusiastic and much anticipated idea by her friends. So far we have collected about $3 and an odd amount of $2.30. They take 50 cents per swear word! So... why $2.30? They felt like it haha.. they wanted to collect money... so funny. Not to mention, I myself have contributed err.. $1.00.. hahaha bari malu... kana saman oleh students. I got away with 'heck'once, What do you think? Is 'heck' as in what the heckkk?? considered a swear?
My new name tag... hahahah... I was sporting it the whole day.. just to be supportive. *sigh* How long will it last.... the enthusiasm.
Excited students in my ICT English class.. labih jua kamu anie eh.... ada jua meja tuu.... hehehe

27 February 2008

Hairi's Birthday

A message from iMumzie

Dear friends,
We are sorry ( well I am hehehe) if you are involved in the Macbook training in March. But I am not too sorry as I do mean it when I drafted the minute for the Princy that we are anticipating your participation, not just to make the egovernment Mobitel Project a successful one but we need to pimp the educational styles in Brunei.

Not that conventional ways are no longer the jist for kids today, and that by using computers might take longer and get little work done in a classroom, but it helps the kids be skilled in computer literacy as kids from other developing countries are. Our government has spent millions of dollars to make sure that our kids can be computer literate too. We have 40 Macbooks per school!! It is not a waste of time. It is not a waste of your time to come in the afternoon. It is after all using the Macbook. Perfecto yo! Siok.. nah .. mindblock tia .. I was almost getting to the most emotional part of my purge and my writing might have just been so touching had Muazzam not walk into the room to tell me it is time to sleep hahaha.. so late... so much to be done.

Anyway, on a more non serious note... hehehehe... sorry wah boss.. we didnt mean to schedule you guys to come time Nazir ada di sekolah ah... hehehe .. we planned it a lot earlier , even before we found out we will be under scrutiny hahaha... Trust me. When is a lesson with Shikin ever dull? The rest of the teachers will keep you entertained too... I'll knock Khanafiah down every so often for showmanship purposes ok...hehehe I'll make sure you are entertained.. biar tia inda pandai ngajar.... asal becali hahaha..

And.. today's slogans at school were Reading is Fun, Knowledge is Power and ENGLISH ROCKS! hahaha..awuuu.. they loved it, them kids.. English Rocks.... rasa jua..

Anyhoots, (someone define that word!) I might not be able to blog so much after this until 15th March. I have a report to finish for Princy, particulars to fill in, bnyk kali ah 100 hours ku per year , do you know I do 400 hours every year for the past 4 years? Ada secret 'usage' of my services lagi under a diff Ministry tu... inda be tulis tu... hehehe... bukan plg rahsia, just that they never got round to asking me officially through proper channels hahaha.. but it is legal. I was registered through them and were given official letters.Working Nights lagi apa... Zip it!

I have a special Form Teacher's meeting on the 8th, must be prior to the Nazir's visits. I am joining the Inpectorate meeting on the 6th! Arkkk! I might just podcast my presentation and need not be there. I already imagine myself walking around school (wearing socks! haha must not show feet) carrying an LV bag (inappropriate) and narrating 'Hello I'm bla bla.. today I present you, not a window into Md Raiyan Lim's life but what I really do the the two egovt laptops you guys gave me.. hehehe.. ' eh eh... I use the laptops for club purposes ahhhhh... not personal.

The Inspectorate will be around from 10th - 15th March. I wont have a life. Moreover, I have 4 sets of essays to mark uwaaaaaaaaaaa.... 88 students per set. And I'm already not reading what I usually read online, if you pleaseeeee! Jgn complain I dont blog ah... I'm taking 2 weeks off... This blogging is taking too much of my online time anyway. I need at least 7 hrs online daily to do the stuff I do online minus the blogging , do you know? The blog takes 2 hrs of the precious time. Ain't complaining. This is why you never see me on MSN before 11pm daily. If I did go online, I might as well marry the cyberworld. I am that addicted. I have commitments now.. boh emosi.. melarat. Guess what? I do sit an extra 5 hours during the day by the laptop , you just dont see me on MSN. Kamu Ngacau hahaha.. work time tu....MSN off.

So, wish me luck. Wish for me that the Nazir doesn't yell at me for.. my attendance. My work, don't question. I work smart. Thanks. Much appreciated.

With this I end today's blog. And dont worry. I will post a little. hehehe... Adios Amigos........ errr have I revealed too much?

Macbook Training


Kepada: Semua Pegawai Pelajaran dan Guru-Guru/ All Education Officers and Teachers
Tarikh/ Date: 13 Safar 1429, 20 Februari 2008/ 20th February 2008


Kindly be informed that the above will be conducted from 3rd March to 13th March, at 1:45pm to 4:00pm per session located at the D&T ICT Lab 2.

Staff may refer to the timetable and group list attached. You are also advised to bring photos and short video clips as recommended in the attachment.

Your participation in the above matter is greatly anticipated in making the usage of ICT beneficial to your classroom and to help boost the e-government project proposed as MobiTel 2007.

For any queries before the sessions, do not hesitate to contact any of the trainers:

1. Cikgu HNH binti A

2. Cikgu EKI binti A

3. Cikgu DN binti PHK

4. Cikgu MK bin HjJ

5. Cikgu S bin HMN

For your information and further action.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Administration Department

English Department

Geography Department

Art Department

D&T Department

P.E Department

Home Science Department

Maths Department

Science Department

ICT Department

History Department

Malay Department

I.R.K Department

Commerce Department/POA/Economics

Materials to bring:

  1. Photos (about 15-20 shots)

For example: Educational Trips, Classroom environment, CCA events, Sports events, family photos, holiday photos, scenery etc.

  1. video clips (about 5-10 clips)

Any video shots taken using a phone or camcorder, can be short or long clips

(of about 2-10 minutes long etc).

Timetable for MobiTel 2007: Mac Book Training





Group 1

Monday (Day 1)

3rd March

1.45PM - 4.00PM

Tuesday (Day 2)

4th March

1.45PM - 4.00PM

Group 2

Monday (Day 1)

10th March

1.45PM - 4.00PM

Tuesday (Day 2)

11th March

1.45PM - 4.00PM

Group 3

Wednesday (Day 1)

12th March

1.45PM - 4.00PM

Thursday (Day 2)

13th March

1.45PM - 4.00PM

Transformer Down

Tuesday 26th February scenario...
Auntie Mai came over after work today. Raiyan caught a glimpse of her from the balcony and got reaaaaaalllyyy excited *pant* *pant* he wooed her.. haha in saying that... I mean... he went ''woooo...hooo...wooo...wooooo" and cried when his Daddy tried to move away from the balcony. He loves his auntie Mai . (I'm not sure I do now ha ha ha... nyamal ku.. iskk.... hanya kerna memuji... labih2 muji anak org atu aaaa... berani engko yea... go watch 213... and...212 your favourite channnels)
RL and his Auntie Mai... hehehe his clothes are a little mismatched hahah.. kamah lagi nah baju....
Baby Haiqal also came to visit for a bit and played the 8 in 1 bike Nenek got from an earlier UK trip..... a real head turner at the Mall that bike....

We took RL to Nenek because the lambak transformer broke down and caused a stir for a while... no electricity for 3 hours.. aint gonna wait around.. so we went to Neneks hehehehe...
RL and Syazwan.. He always gets excited playing with Syazwan's toys... iskk.. sometimes I worry he might just toss the little boy around accidently... there has been incidents when he gets hit on the face hehehe.. mildly hehehe...soon.. he will be tossed around by the little one.. judging by their difference in sizes.. hehehehe...
Daddy showed him how to slide up and down this sofa! Yes... perfect. He now develops confidence amoking over the sofa onto the bed. Yeah. That's the way it seems to be. Amoking.A real poser.. took a looooooott of pixies like this....
An attempt to ..... boost his appetite.. 'babana' *inside joke* hehehe...
wahhh wahhh.. He aint scared anymore... tia karang.. he was awwwfully quiet... on the bike.. a mix feeling , the want to go out part and the hooboyyy do I really wanna go out this way.

26 February 2008

Japan News

Yes.. I actually read news written in MALAY...

National Day Assembly

Sultan Sharif Ali Secondary School's National Day assembly, we sang the Merdeka song and waved flag...

The patriotic teachers... Harisah, Filzah, Acai Motor, Cikgu Hj Bujang... err... and... errrr what the? eerr.... and wassat? errr...?

Awaiting pictures courtesy of airbiscuit.. jadiiiiiiiiiiii............... mana mana mana?!!

25 February 2008

Monday Blues

Monday is a no spending day for Mumzie apparently.. he he he.. well.. I dont want to spend money during the 1st day of the week....it promotes bad habit ... you dont want to spend everyday of the week and by starting on Monday, your cash flow...er... is out daily hehehe..... hehehehehe...

But.. tonight was an exception hahahahaha.... bored.... boredom got to us.... we stepped out to Jollibee oh what a jolly night twas.....

Pak Borhan and Daddy! We bumped into an old friend.. sporting a new hairdo.... hehehe... Daddy's childhood bestfriend.... he he he he... kezutan..... (hahahahahahah *grunt* *grunt* *winks*)

This bib... didnt fit baby Syazwan and baby Haiqal.. but alas.... guess who can use it! I aint happy.... I aint happy.. I dont want my son to bloat.. in fact I like him this way.. not big.... I dread the fact of him being fat. But... he is not eating well.. we try everything... he just wont eat.... that much. *sigh* I am happy with his size.... but only if he is meant to be this thin....
At 9.30pm he was still roaaaaming around the house and played by Daddy's study.... admiring his own pixies by the looks of it hehehehe...
At 10pm, he was still playing so Daddy O made a boat hehehehe.. Mumzie made.. err.. placed the fake eyes on her.. eyes.. hahaha Raiyan immitates everything now. Also, look at the small cards around him , well.... he knows which way to hold in order to fit the cards into the cardbox... if it is horizontal , he will put it down and holds it vertically, then slides it into the little cardbox. Clever smug.

Tips on visiting a sick person

When people are in hospital that means they are unwell... so dont stick around too long. They might enjoy your company.... but it is better to understand that they need rest. Here are some tips. In Malay. Malas translate ehhh haha.....

24 February 2008

PlayPen in Room

well.. two basketball courts.... of course Daddy and Mumzie are the one throwing light balls into them... from afar.. Mumzie being the sore loser... wahh and Daddy was a cheat.. he practiced for 4 hrs while Mumzie was asleep.. hehehe

Also, Raiyan's new mega blocks.. making a dog.. Nenek A yelled at Mum when Mumzie told her that Raiyan made a toy dog with the new blocks he he he he he!
Some of RL's new gear... too many clothes, so little time to wear them. RL wears nice clothes at home... The wordings are really kewl on the shirts. Mum & Dad knows I'm in charge, also BOYS ARE BETTER THAN GIRLS (hahahaha) and 2nd IN COMMAND after DAD!

One top actually says 'small and loud' ....hahaha... and also RL's new Bob the Builder full gear.. nice... Thanks Neneks.

Sunday Family Day

Haiqal, Raiyan and Syazwan... hehehehehehhehehe... look at the boys... Misleading Haiqal, he may be quiet but once he gets excited.... just watch it! ....Raiyan sitting on Haiqal's bebepod.. kalau Haiqal panuh tu usulnya inda kan muat.. ani belabih lagi ada space.. hahaha and look at Syazwan go... he is known as 'the hummer' .. well, he walks over anything... he cant even walk yet!
Drumming a tune... clever.... hehehe
Feeding Time... the race to finish their food... Syazwan was declared the winner , second was Haiqal and of course... Raiyan... being small.. lives up to his reputation.. he didnt even finish his food! uwaaaaaaaaaaaa~
Posing with Uncle Haz... cracked everyone up with his posing attitude.... and of course clapped as you clicked.
Haiqal: Abang Raiyan... siok nie ia nanyi abcdefg~
Raiyan: Awu ah lai~ boleh pusing lagi tuuu~
Haiqal: Abang Raiyan... sorry ah tadi Haiqal tegrab tinga abg ah.. sakit bang?
Raiyan: awu eh laaii... nangis plg abang nah.. napatan.. yg abang panas ati ah apa nah?
Haiqal: Apa bang? sorry ah bang... I got carried away.. macam nyaman bah tinga abang ah.. kan alai cabut rasa nya kekekekeke...
Raiyan: Astah... hehehe Abang atu sakit atu sakit la banar.... cuba alai kana cabut tinga sakit kan? Anu.. abang panas ati wah kana tawa kan ah.. kana ucap kan.. malu abang eh... jangan lagi lai ah... ilang macho abang tu laaaiii~
Haiqal: bah bah.. awu sorry ah bang.. Haiqal anie namit wah masih nie.... mana alai tau kekuatan alai.. (hehehehehhe *dalam hati* sian abg Raiyan anie manja jua abis alai bully siok lee~)
Syazwan : *pant* *pant*
Haiqal: *puff* *pant*
Syazwan: bah bah come roll~ roll~ on the count of teeeee...
Haiqal: oneee tuuuu teeeeeeeee~
Syazwan & Haiqal: *ngeh* *ngeh* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~
Haiqal: he he he he we made it...
Syazwan: he he he.... now we aim for the ... foot of the bed k?

Male Nursery