31 December 2008

I left my heart in 2008

*sigh* I am leaving 2008 with a bruised ego and an open mind (so tempting to put a broken heart just to be melodramatic haha) .. ahh.. funny I still am I guess.. that's a good sign.

Oh well.. the last day of 2008. It was a very solemn day for me actually. I got to see both of our major mosques the SOAS and Ja'me mosques... to find solitude... to drain my sorrows ... to wash away all my sins.... eseh keh keh keh. (there we go.. another attempt at dramatising the whole thing hehehe)

Here is the truth.. I am leaving 2008:

1. very rich ..hahahaa... I havent really seen the bonus figure.... also overspending with all the oversea trips since June actually.

2. I learnt that mellow dramatic is also spelt melodramatic.. there I learnt something new today..hahaha....

3. I left a few men heartbroken in 2008, including that Pizza delivery guy who I didnt give any tip for being late keh keh keh...
4. But I did pay my alms today... contributed some money to the mosque petty cash and some money for the special needs via KFC box....

5. I learnt to shape the nation in a different and productive light now...

6. I left the teaching post I dedicated my whole life to but effort wasnt wasted, some people will carry on my legacy... *deep* , especially after the conversation I had at Royal Regalia about how Brunei is moulding the future slowly but progressively and a Malaysian counterpart said slow and developing is good as you dont lose the values by rushing through the nitty gritty of it all.
7. I also had a close encounter with ... my personal flag.... yeah mun paham bisai..hehehe
8. Fireworks I hear fireworksssss.... it is 2 minutes to midnight... oh wait my phone says 5 minutes.. haha...

9. A growin Raiyan who keeps saying 'don wan' lately.. either he meant to call him Don Juan or he doesnt want anything that we have offered him so far. You decide.

10. Today was the most indecisive day. Siblings couldnt decide what to do tonight~ Empire? Ban? Dont know...

11. Apparently, tonight Daddy O also learnt and hopefully the only time he has to take Raiyan for a third consecutive ride to make him fall asleep.. ( I dont think the fireworks are helping and I'm gonna go to the verandahhh to watch that.. back in a bit) *this point will resume in 2009 blog hehe*

12. I ended up doing the countdown alone.. Daddy O and Raiyan is out.... for a ride... hope he sleeps this time , this third time ... he left and he came back and I heard Raiyan's laughter again coming down the stairs earlier..then they left again... then he woke up again requesting the baby seat as he wanted to go on a ride again. SO they went again.

13. Anyway , this morning I really was at two mosque, on duty as Liason Officer for the 2nd Joint Working Group Malaysia 2008 delegates, we also had a glimpse of the Istana Nurul Iman in the morning.. and I learnt that the grassy area near the gates of the palace is actually a Polo field...can you believe it.. I just thought it was a landscape area to enjoy as you cruise in....

Good bye 2008.
Oh also, 14. MoFAT also labelled me 'Miss Yellow Pages' for being informative and I dont mind being resourceful but it was a little embarrassing to claim I'd done fine in front of the whole Ministries involved in the Human Rights Review meeting yesterday... hehehe...

15. I also learnt the MOE Vision and Mission by heart the past few days... accidently but brilliant...I should chant it hehehe.. and I made new name cards.

16. Also I thought I would actually have my last lunch alone. I dont eat alone. I did once this year and it was odd to me.. today I was too busy at Rizqun and would have ended up having lunch alone while waiting for the delegates to freshen up for their trip back home, so... along came Polly... I mean a handsome colleague of mine .... you know who you are ha ha.. so I had lunch at KFC with him, thanks for keeping me company.

17. I also met one of my best friend Ekka at the airport..so it was pleasant but I didnt get to say good bye.. hello you~ *waves*

18. I left Ukraine on my desk. *tick* *tock* and my heart in San Francisco, more like Old Airport Road kekekekekeke~

19. The Director General finished our Child's Policy Seminar Report for us.. feeling guilty but she does produce great work so basically thankful that she took charge, I have made a few contribution as well ..so we can say half of what needed to be done at work is done for 2008. 2009 shall be hectic.. in terms of tuning back in ... been a lethargic week actually.... good for us all... needed the rest. ...too many off days as well but hey.. why not enjoy it?

20. I'm going.... goinggg.... goingg... gone! I also need to learn to write in SEQUENCE as I used to preach in class! har har har..... sort the events out yourself. Homework for you lot.

30 December 2008

My Hectic Tuesday

The MOE delegates from Brunei Darussalam led by Perm Sec Higher Ed and Sec General for Malaysia, at the 2nd Joint Working Group Meeting for both Ministries at Rizqun.

Mumzie duduk la type information down hehehehe.. and here are the technical MOE staff ha ha ha so blogged...WoWing and Photoshop education for us at the back...keh keh....
I met up with Raiyan during lunchtime and he wouldnt leave the arcade.. the new one! He knew which side to point towards..... and here ,he is sporting his Sharif Dol rolled up shirt of Thomas.... Nenek A stylo tu.. and displaying his Barney Radio from Babab... hahaha.. mcm apa anak ku daaaaaaa..... hahaha....
Here is the entertainment we had with Uncle J and Shidah during lunch break...someone was motionless in the middle of the Mall... a second encounter for us at the Mall actually.... attention seeker... buleh jua ke siring kali aaaa..... pigang2 kepala tia jua... maybe she was really hurt..poor girl, I'm not being sympathetic am I?This is Human Rights meeting at ICC hahaha... bare and informal... Mumzie came 'raw' cos I was LO at Rizqun in the morning and headed straight to ICC for a very fruitful meeting indeed... I wish I could be at two places at once.. the JWG was indeed very interesting....

Miss Yellow Pages I am now apparently.. all bare... even my minute was jotted down on the Special Units Education envelope I brought to the meeting unread.. fresh from the oven...read it as we went through the Annex... seriously busy am I not? I love the adrenalin rush... exciting.. I just wish there is 42 hours in a day... a big boss said that to me once... and she as my mentor.. is too right... so much to do.. so little time. I am all ears for anything prosperous.

29 December 2008

Child Abuse in Brunei?

Ehem.. we all know this boy who hangs around Serusop with his basketful of not dinosaurs but dried local delicacies.. claimed to be an Azlan not Aslan from Narnia... while it might be good to instill a businessmindedness traits on the lad and his brother... he is only 10 and has been seen around during school hours as well... claimed to be studying at Anggerek and will be in Primary 4 in 2009.,,,,hmmm...

I need to do something and I will.. I think it is fair to say it 'is' my job now. An obligation as well... all kids his age are out playing and he sits in alleyways waiting to be given alms..... he wouldnt sell products to the non local as they will only pay him the right amount hehe..interesting..
ehemm...while it is a great way to give alms as well, to a young boy in need (maybe) it is not flattering to see him grow up into what it seems like now.

28 December 2008

Poser Raiyan

He saw the poster of this lizardman and pointed "CACAGGG!! CACAAAGGG!" hahahaha.. so he posed for it... hahahaha.. we were actually out watching Bedtime Stories while the adult parties were at Spirit... ours were ther better flick apparently.
Happy belated Birthday to Yus.. hahahaha sorry we forgot your birthday and thanks for treating us to Fratinis after the movies..... love ya lots and hope you love the presents.....

27 December 2008

Kalimah Allah in the clouds

At about 4.17pm.. we spotted kalimah Allah in the clouds from my second floor room at MOE , International Affairs and Public Relations Unit... thanks to Auntie Hules.... who came to visit.. she brought it to our attention and the clouds started breaking within 5 minutes... so truly blessed.. especially with Ma'al Hijrah 1430 around the corner. Selamat Ma'al Hijrah 1430 everyone.