29 December 2008

Child Abuse in Brunei?

Ehem.. we all know this boy who hangs around Serusop with his basketful of not dinosaurs but dried local delicacies.. claimed to be an Azlan not Aslan from Narnia... while it might be good to instill a businessmindedness traits on the lad and his brother... he is only 10 and has been seen around during school hours as well... claimed to be studying at Anggerek and will be in Primary 4 in 2009.,,,,hmmm...

I need to do something and I will.. I think it is fair to say it 'is' my job now. An obligation as well... all kids his age are out playing and he sits in alleyways waiting to be given alms..... he wouldnt sell products to the non local as they will only pay him the right amount hehe..interesting..
ehemm...while it is a great way to give alms as well, to a young boy in need (maybe) it is not flattering to see him grow up into what it seems like now.

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