03 February 2008

Haiqal ~ M Belawat 1

Mama Haiqal , Baby Haiqal & Papa Haiqal - sobb sobb.. such proud parents...written all over their facial expressions.. sobbb.... great photo if you ask me.... I'm touched..tskkkk..Mama Haiqal, Baby Haiqal and Papa Haiqal. (mmmffffff....mmppphhhh....)

OK! Now I can joke. It's the second pix hahaha.. The joke is ... I was tempted to label the pix Mama Bear, Baby Bear and Papa Bear... mcm samaaa saja style sebutan nya gelaran drg anie kekekeke... Anyway look at Haiqal's hand expression indicating "aduii aduii pasrah ku pasrahhh".Event Pix.... he he he who's that guy in grey aaa.... keh keh keh keh.... karang kana gam pigeon hole Mumzie.. so I wont highlight the guy in grey , err gray? hehehe hmmm....

Funny. Sexy. Adorable.Cute. Quiet.Friendly. Solemn.Dreamy eyed.
All Haiqal is... but today... nooo.. nooo.. he was mighty loud .. bising bah kamu atu.......... yes all of you.............. ehem.. who is that babe in pink.. salam eh..I fell off my chair looking at her pix.... wow... bukan yang nampak belakang tudong atu.. cali kamu anie eh........eksen lahh kamu inda paham... wakakakaka...
Haiqal - Papat Jambul Day.
There she is again that hot babe in pink.. ok laa.. ok laaa.. plus Durratul .. hot tu jua... kekekke
ARKKK! Panas! Warm! Hot! Hot plg banar.. weweiittt..salam eh muskle muskle nya and bling bling nya..... he was really uncomfortable.... so they took off his top in between photo sessions. Yup... cruel.. there were sessions, not session.
Haiqal - Papat Jambul Day <- too right! ARKKKK! Courtesy of Nenek K. What telah happen here? Grrrrr...... No more Mr Goody Two Shoes look? eiiiiiii..takuttt auntie eh........... eiii takut ehhhhhh..... kekekeke....jangan tantang eiiii... Bentayan &.... eh ehh.. Papa Haz and Baby Haiqal keh keh keh.....

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