03 February 2008

Haiqal ~ M Belawat 2

Behind the Scene Photos! Haiqal's Mandi Belawat Event - Feb 3rd,2008 Today, RL peeped through this window a lot....he he he..... last night he was at this door many times too, waiting for Mumzie and Daddy to return.. we are so sorryyyy~ sobb....
Wah... I didn't know he takes after me haha... gobbling anything in sight that is... he he he.. wahhh wahh.... "don'tcha put the blameeee on meeehh~ don't chaaaaa put the blaaame onnnhhh meeeeeiiiiiiii~"
RL ran towards Haiqal's cot squeaking rather funnily... alas.. Lamaze octotunes was in it haha.. he saw it from afar.... and Uncle Haz pat his petocto in such an evil way he he he... RL was still scared of the thing.... and ran towards Uncle Naz .....keh keh keh
RL insisting that Nenek K holds him.. I think he knows Nenek was gonna hold Haiqal during the eventful afternoon he he he.. of course to compensate.. we pass him to his Uncle Bak.... that is no compensation actually.. he loves them both over anyyyone.......... Cuba tia... kalah jua betting tadi $10 he he he.. he would run to his Uncle Bak,not his irresistible-lovable-babelicious-nodoubtsexy Mumzie.

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