08 February 2008

RL's Friday Day Out

RL in the morning playing with a magnetic Bob the Builder truck... and the final pix is a bonus, RL's big butt ( I wish) peeking under the flexy pillow hehe...
The pants! Label still there.. has worn it before.. Mumzie is terrible... didnt even realise the label is still there.. here RL had to be creative waiting for his Uncle Bak.... 2 hours he waited ... but not in vain.. he got picked up at 4pm! Finally....
The Day out with Uncle Bak.... furniture shopping and helped check the prizes out... and that leather bed.. is.. unpriced yet..very new... RL wants that bed. Thanks. You are so generous.. yes you!
Scared of... things... hehe the horsey included.. the bin bag made him cry too... and he loved watching the fish though....My... My... My... RL and his best friend.. Uncle Dinny.. cross leg lagi tu.... eisehwaaaahh....he is such a poser.... really a poser... knows how to pose for the camera... we are very careful with what we say around him now.. as he really does understand us now.
RL , Uncle Bak and Daddy at Coffeebeans Gadong... he he he yummy food.. more selection now...I think we can start going back to Coffeebeans on the Thursday night ritual boys...
woooweeeeee~ he is so adorable..... the little one I mean hahaha... he he he..

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