27 February 2008

A message from iMumzie

Dear friends,
We are sorry ( well I am hehehe) if you are involved in the Macbook training in March. But I am not too sorry as I do mean it when I drafted the minute for the Princy that we are anticipating your participation, not just to make the egovernment Mobitel Project a successful one but we need to pimp the educational styles in Brunei.

Not that conventional ways are no longer the jist for kids today, and that by using computers might take longer and get little work done in a classroom, but it helps the kids be skilled in computer literacy as kids from other developing countries are. Our government has spent millions of dollars to make sure that our kids can be computer literate too. We have 40 Macbooks per school!! It is not a waste of time. It is not a waste of your time to come in the afternoon. It is after all using the Macbook. Perfecto yo! Siok.. nah .. mindblock tia .. I was almost getting to the most emotional part of my purge and my writing might have just been so touching had Muazzam not walk into the room to tell me it is time to sleep hahaha.. so late... so much to be done.

Anyway, on a more non serious note... hehehehe... sorry wah boss.. we didnt mean to schedule you guys to come time Nazir ada di sekolah ah... hehehe .. we planned it a lot earlier , even before we found out we will be under scrutiny hahaha... Trust me. When is a lesson with Shikin ever dull? The rest of the teachers will keep you entertained too... I'll knock Khanafiah down every so often for showmanship purposes ok...hehehe I'll make sure you are entertained.. biar tia inda pandai ngajar.... asal becali hahaha..

And.. today's slogans at school were Reading is Fun, Knowledge is Power and ENGLISH ROCKS! hahaha..awuuu.. they loved it, them kids.. English Rocks.... rasa jua..

Anyhoots, (someone define that word!) I might not be able to blog so much after this until 15th March. I have a report to finish for Princy, particulars to fill in, bnyk kali ah 100 hours ku per year , do you know I do 400 hours every year for the past 4 years? Ada secret 'usage' of my services lagi under a diff Ministry tu... inda be tulis tu... hehehe... bukan plg rahsia, just that they never got round to asking me officially through proper channels hahaha.. but it is legal. I was registered through them and were given official letters.Working Nights lagi apa... Zip it!

I have a special Form Teacher's meeting on the 8th, must be prior to the Nazir's visits. I am joining the Inpectorate meeting on the 6th! Arkkk! I might just podcast my presentation and need not be there. I already imagine myself walking around school (wearing socks! haha must not show feet) carrying an LV bag (inappropriate) and narrating 'Hello I'm bla bla.. today I present you, not a window into Md Raiyan Lim's life but what I really do the the two egovt laptops you guys gave me.. hehehe.. ' eh eh... I use the laptops for club purposes ahhhhh... not personal.

The Inspectorate will be around from 10th - 15th March. I wont have a life. Moreover, I have 4 sets of essays to mark uwaaaaaaaaaaa.... 88 students per set. And I'm already not reading what I usually read online, if you pleaseeeee! Jgn complain I dont blog ah... I'm taking 2 weeks off... This blogging is taking too much of my online time anyway. I need at least 7 hrs online daily to do the stuff I do online minus the blogging , do you know? The blog takes 2 hrs of the precious time. Ain't complaining. This is why you never see me on MSN before 11pm daily. If I did go online, I might as well marry the cyberworld. I am that addicted. I have commitments now.. boh emosi.. melarat. Guess what? I do sit an extra 5 hours during the day by the laptop , you just dont see me on MSN. Kamu Ngacau hahaha.. work time tu....MSN off.

So, wish me luck. Wish for me that the Nazir doesn't yell at me for.. my attendance. My work, don't question. I work smart. Thanks. Much appreciated.

With this I end today's blog. And dont worry. I will post a little. hehehe... Adios Amigos........ errr have I revealed too much?

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