20 March 2008

Cross Country Part 2

hehehehe... I know.... I know.. and he is that small. We all smile everytime we see him. I would have stepped on the poor soul if he was in my class... You wouldnt even have the heart to tell him off... he he he .. melangui ah meliat me....he talked to me today.. sikit lagi I hang him by the shirt on the flag pole for fun he he he he he....
The said flag pole.... lol....

Good to Go!
Awang Alak Betatar House.. I used to be in this one....
Awang Jerambak House. I'm in this one now.. oh dear...
Pateh Berbai House... hehehe er... I was in this one too.. they keep swopping us. I am actually confused... is this Pateh or Betatar.. hahahah...
er.... Awang Semaun House.... I almost forgot the name....
Naughty kids... heheheh... coloured hair..iski kan begambar....they are pretty kewl though .. hehe
Students: cherr.. cherrr.. gambar kami mesti masukk.. bla bla... bla..sama mesti bla bla...
Me: ahh..sure sure.. teacher kan MMS principal plg nie..... biar ia tunggu kamu depan sekolah.
Students: uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aiiiiiiii cher.... *antak-antak*
Me: keh keh keh keh... bah jalan tah.. angus rambut kamu sudah tu bepanas ah....*satisfied*
awuu..posing tah kamu siring jalan ah hehehehe....
All mine. They bully me..... and.. hehehe inda tia mau manang nie mun beranti begambar ah....
Amal and hers.... hehehehe.. lagi cia.. ia pulang mengulu kan duduk keh keh keh....
Dangerous path.. I dont like the responsibility this checkpoint comes with..but I like the fact that it is just a small route they go pass.. as at the other checkpoints the teachers had to wait for the second round or something.
A problem. But is it his fault? I dont like his ways, untouchable, you cant soften this one, made hard, rebel, broken home..... now a broken arm too hehhehe... One of the reasons why I have lost my passion for teaching. Serious. But I forgive him. ( I'm not forgiving.) He is too young to understand. I blame his surrounding. He is the reason why I am never angry at students anymore. I had to learn to ignore every mistake.The Princy was so mad at him.. the admin interrogated himin the morning and he was being a smart mouth too.... not very wise... hehehe I guess he will be suspended when school reopens. I saw him at the Mall too the same day... watching a movie... I felt sorry for him as I watched him queue to get in, I wondered where he got the money from to buy the tickets.....

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