28 March 2008

Giant's Most Wanted

Bruneians on the loose..... they gobbled up the BLISS Yogurt drinks... and also crowded the cheap seedless grape area.... hehehe....siok... well why not? If they are cheap.. and taste good... who wouldn't queue for them? We didnt ... no respond from the boys.. I dont eat grapes anyway.. and Muaz got lost. He was missing hahahaha... gauk lagi nah jalan2 jumpa org.... keh keh keh....

When shopping, be careful... they are expensive.. we paid $126 for.. not much... we have never paid that much for the stuff we bought. Also, rumour has it.. the thing may cost $4.99 on the tag and will cost $5.99 when swiped. Oh and we Bruneians love sandals.. I didnt take any pixies but the sandal spots were bare... hahaha....The floors were still dirty... but the things they sell there are cool, we need more stores like this.
Anyhoots, to those who havent been to Giant.. I hope the tips are useful. Dont worry about parking space... when you go, enter from the Jerudong end, no traffic, and dont worry about the parking space (again)... just enter and drive slowly... someone will leave.. so help them God!... I hope they do leave at one point hahaha... We didnt have a hard time ,yes they parking lot were full and a looong queue from the Rimba School end.. we parked 2 cars away from the main entrance. No Problemo.

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