25 March 2008

RL's Fine Evening

Well.....Nenek Urai and Makcik Hani thought that this boy can drink anything... so they took out a big tub of chocolate drink from the fridge and let the boy HOLD IT! hahahaha.. panic Mumzie.. and Nenek said... 'eh biar tia dulur tia... kau inda bagi ia minum tu kesian'.

So on that note, I crossed my fingers... worried that he would squeeze the box and show his true colour.. hahahaha .. He would have spilt it all over amok in the kitchen... hahaha but thank god he didnt... He was such an angel.... most of the time there... phewwww...

I did warn him sweetly to be good when we get to Nenek Urai's. He panicked at first when Nenek came to pick us up, he must have thought it was Nenek A, as they do look alike... hahahaha.... Inda ia mau tu hahahaha.... so ia diam diam diam... then ok tia.. Nenek A always bully him kekekekekek.... nangis jua ia tu kan Nenek A nyakalau dangar suara di telefon, tapi nyamal nangis nya mcm.. eh alai sayang nini but nini bully alai jua tu udah ada... catu hehehe...
He also helped Nenek Urai print some papers... actually we immediately went downstairs to eat.. hahaha takut kami abis paper.. hahahaa...
Cruising in the cool new LS, back home.... Nenek Urai, Nenek Kumar and Makcik Hani sent us home about 11pm (ahahahha happy ia akhir balik) after a great satay dinner.. yummm~ Raiyan loves the Chicken Satay. Meanwhile, Daddy was seen in the parking vicinity anxiously waiting for his son.. hahaha poor daddy.. separation anxiety tu....

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