24 March 2008

A vision of RL

*sigh* At Fleur... on our so-called date.... we were both smittened... by this 1 yr 7 month old baby.... He reminded us of Raiyan so muchhhh, he was 9.5kg though and a month older...same habits and a lot calmer uwaaaaaaaaaaaa.... he was really pleasant and was very very fond of Daddy... so Mumzie reported and MMS Raiyan hahahahha..... He touched the light under the counter... and came to tell us... showed us his hand... complaining... poor boy....... he was still calm.. Raiyan would hit the roof....hahahaha... we are proud of Raiyan however, he does things way past his age..... I would not want him to be the calm baby that would actually help me develop more undeveloped muscles hahaha.... I provoke him whenever he is quiet... it worries me .. so I keep asking him.. why why why.....

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