24 March 2008

iRaiyan Hit Reports

wahh.. I had 68 hits just for one day.. and it is a Sunday. Greece? Yannis Littleshoe... are you reading? hahahhaa...I almost swore in Greek.. that ise maaa... word.... hahaha but I wont, this is my son's blog, all in good faith.. haha.... and where is Taiwan for today? hahahaha..offline? unknown is Taiwan or South Africa? No Australian hit from Sydney? hehehe Hi Jenny and Brandon... are you not reading today... hehhehhee....

How come Kathleen Sikivou from USA is not reading today... Swedish Erica and Switzerland babe hits ,where are you??? Switzerland is a local pulang tu..pipi.. yuuuhuuu....... oh Auntie Jules havent hit or San from UK today? ... well , peeps.. this is why I blog on a personal basis.. to update the lot....not forgetting regular Siti Norhaliza from Salambigar.. hahaha Hi you~~ hahaha... awu aku ada kawan glamer... belum jadi Datuk Seri saja ia tu... hehehehe... Blogging used to be for daddy and Pak Dol only hahaha.. but now.. belawan hapdet wah sama babu Rina.. and I believe iraiyan have won. How come? Babu Rina does update...but Raiyan's blog... hahaha blog nya sunyi plg oleh nya....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"How come K S from USA is not reading..."[Nor'ashikin]

Hullllooooooooooooooo Nora dear! Look at all these happenings I've missed out on. Your Precious Baby Son. My goodness he's gorgeous and he's all grown up :) Is RL 2 or is he nearing 3? Already in-training I see - the shopping, the drifting, ... :)

Motherhood totally suits you Sweetums. Enjoying the read. Will have to pop in again in my attempt to catch up.

Spiritual hugs and kisses for your dear parents, my love to the girls (your sisters), your baby bro and most certainly your additional blessings - your good hubby and your Precious.

Himpossibilities ever abundant in a life so deserving ... :)

Love you dearly Nora. [Gwen sends her love].