24 March 2008

March 24 - Hitlist

ok.... so they are random hits.(sakai masih sakai...... I'll stop checking the hits hehehehe)
I only know the hits from Taiwan (hiii~~~ Mr29 hahaha we are anticipating the Taiwan trip yahooooo)..hmm.. yea we know the US, Turkey,India,Canada hits only.... Good God!! Who the heck is reading my blog from Brunei!! Kau kali Na balik2 takan hahaha.... Scary thought!! This is a personal blog... what could be the interest.... but hey thanks for viewing though....I dont know if I am ecstatic... leave a msg... put my mind at ease hehehehe.. *tenks* we are virginal when it comes to links.... random kahh? bagi watir.... san napa London masuk unknown hits.. must be that fone thing hehehe... and to those viewers on Firefox.. please upgrade to the latest... some of you are still using the ole versions. Ta... cheeriosssssssss~~

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