21 March 2008

Friday Smiles

He was all smile in the morning~ It has been a while since he smiles in the morning . When he was a lot younger, he smiles every morning.. or I dont know that he still does because I leave work while he is still asleep every working day? *sigh* Time to quit that job... hehehehe ( will quit in April for 29 days keh keh keh *winks*)
Watching tv on Mumzie's bed he he he he... Editted on my new phone... eseh.. quality not as good as N95 or the iphone though.... hehehhe

Afternoon nap at home... hehehehe .....
Here he is moving furniture.. hehehe he even learnt to 'brake' after a run towards the pink carpet.. I was wondering why he turned around and smile.. rupanya ia terbrake.. sekali ia suka.. so ia balik balik braking tia saja tu near that pink carpet kekekeke...

Raiyan went to Neneks in the morning but he was back home by 1pm.. I dont like his atttitude everytime he is there... he spills everything and creates such a tantrum when bullied. He gets upset when his Nenek A bullies him.... I dont like it... He hits everything every time he comes back home.... it's no longer fun... but today not so much the bullying, just that Raiyan wanted to spill rice all over Neneks' floor... he doesnt do that at home. So I took him home.... this is why I seldom take him early to his Nenek. I will only leave him there if his Nenek K is at home to monitor him... as he also doesnt like being made angry.
While at Neneks, we caught a glimpse of Haiqal having a manicure hehehehe... and also... video conferencing with Syazwan.... he he he he....

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