28 March 2008

Waterhorse Review

hahahaha... look at the mascot.. Daddy's hairdo is like the Waterhorse.. I didnt realise at first.. ampun dorooo~ keh keh keh and you can also see two tiny people (in white and dark) up the escalator... Bro Azyme and Bro Jirul hahahaha.. BLOGGED!

Anyway... movie was not bad for me cos I have a thing for the unexplained....hoooboyyy~ dontget me started on that... Waterhorse is a Loch Ness movie... another theory of the Ness hehehe...what I didnt understand was why the army camped at the house of the boy who raised the Ness. This kind of movie touches me hahaha ... when a bond is involved between a young person and an animal of some kind ,but I didnt like Free Willy...it actually has a very similar ending.. Azyme actually imagined the willy sound(squeak) when the Ness jumped the net.... just like when they freed Willy... caliiiii caliiiii~ keh keh keh..... ada tia jua Jumanji element atu.. like a boy found the next egg... I'm not criticising... I think the movie was cute hehehehe.....
hehehehe... on the way to the movie... driven by the two Uncles of Raiyan... siok hehehehe....

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