24 March 2008

RL's Painful Day

Neneks called us up around 3pm... asking to kidnap Raiyan... so we dragged Neneks to the Clinic for Raiyan's second Influenza injection. The first and second must be done within 6 weeks or your child will not get the second one at all.

In the car with Neneks... getting ready foe the trip to the clinic....
Nenek A: Kiss Nenek laaaiiii..... *manja*
RL: *mwah*
Nenek A: Kiss lagi sekali laaaiiii.... (pasal inda jumpa beberapa hari Raiyan kana quaranteen bagas bejurit nasi dengan sengaja arah Nenek.. Mumzie malas marah RL, so quaranteen saja)
RL : *BAB*
Mumzie : hahahaha... nah.. kana ampas mummmm.....
Nenek K: keh... keh...keh... (tengah ambil gambar dari driver seat)
He is still 9 kg at 1 yr 6 months! Haiqal and Syazwan are almost 8kg now at 7 months hahaha...
Raiyan was calm... until...
Nenek A: bohhhhh... sakittttt nieee laaaaaaaaiiii.... (sampat lagi bully tuuuu)
He was mad at the nurse.... *blogh* *blogh* *blogh* *blogh* *blogh* &%*$#$
Nurse: sorrryyy laaaaaaaaaiii aaaaaaaahhhh......

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