23 March 2008

Sunday yadnuS

In the morning....yes.. cot's life it is.. Mumzie and Daddy were still in bed.. so sealed him right up! Then, watched Mumzie cook for us (silau wahh)..., made soy sauce beef for him and he loved 'em. We now know that when he doesn't eat it means he is bored of the same thing again and again. ...basarrrr wah udah..mau makan macam2...
he he he.. guess who fell asleep while helping who to sleep... hehehehe...
The never ending quest for a comfortable sofa... well.. none at Parvati (these pixies) , none at Court, none at YMRM, none at Neo Metro, none in Hua Ho ...maybe we ought to try Giant? hahahaha MTKI... traffic jam kali aaaaaaaaaaa.... kan meliat jam nya di Giant? Nie bawah ahh....
Taken near Batu Besurat Highway on Saturday night.... we were otw to Mall, the lights were from the long queue of cars heading home(away) from Giant... towards the airport.. and that was 7ish......saja saja.. at Soon Lee Lambak Saturday afternoon hehehehe.. everyone was at Giant.. hahaha.. so clear roads...

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