20 March 2008

Cross Country Part 3

Liz : heh heh heh... I'll drag you out like this...
Dinah: heh heh heh... you think I'm that weak aye.. he he he...
Dinah: urghhhhhhh! Whuz ur daddy now!!! keh keh keh
Liz: aiikkkkk... berani..... awassss aaaa....*alamak.. abis tah ku nie* hehehhe
Dinah: How dare you.....!! Nah.. nah... take this....
Liz: he he he awu waahh awuu.... now's ur turn to put me on that leash me... keh keh keh....
Dinah: Harness bah tu.. for the kids.. bukan leash...
Liz and Dinah: keh keh keh.. lakas tah ikat batis si Rahan pakai tali ah...
Rehan is married to a Turkish woman. So I lent him this flag I got from someone in Turkey, sent to me for our ePals Club... I told him to use it as a cape when he gets home... heh heh heh.... I just hope he doesnt get curry all over it! I tell him off everytime he eats anywhere near my desk! He is messy!
heh heh heh.. us, after the race.... Dinah's back, Sofi (Jijur's wife), Didi and Amal behind Didi, Liz's back is also visible.. he he he. relaxxxxxx.....
sampat lagi tu pose Dinah atu............ anyway, we didnt want to leave... last day of Term 1. Sofi said... we didnt wanna leave cos we didnt have any work to do.. we liked the lolling around part.. hahaha... I just wish.... we have more time to sit around like this everyday... the system should be revised. Teachers should be able to have more free time and big gaps between lessons, allowed to leave anytime as long as we are punctual for class, and that the pension is a privilege once more, I mean it is a tough job educating the youth. We deserve more. Bagi pulang kami uniform (keh keh keh) so we can be like those men in uniform who get their pensions when they retire... hehehehe.... no pun intended.
I told ya we are a bunch of loonies.. anie pun bising tawa tawa keh keh keh.

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