14 March 2008

T.G.I. Friday!

uwaa... he likes to ... take risks... I'd rather him ..err play with plush toys hehehe...

The lads with their dads at the airport, Neneks left for KL (again! and yes they just came back from their weekend trip to Singapore 2 days ago)These shots were all I could save from the airport.. uwaaa kalah gambar tah nie ... oleh blog babu Rina wakakakakak.... the small shots were corrupted... no big shots of them.
At Fun Donuts... kamu ah... I dunno what the fuss was about.... sama jua... nyaman lagi La Donut hehehehe..... I only liked the caramel and oreo, but these ones are known to be nice anywhere... heheheh

He sat next to Daddy and Uncle Bak.... hehehhehe Mumzie sat opposite them ... hehhee...
The bye byes.. tu...Babu Rina (attempting to hide behind Naz... hmmmm..awwuu basarrr tuuu ia atu.. kekeke) , there is Syazzy, then Eme and Jirul (glamour lambai2) Raiyan, Daddy, Haiqal and then Hazrul. Dinny ran away ... hahaha andddd last but not least, hahahaha the kaling Eme and Jirul got so hyped up about.. sits behind Naz.. inda nampak.. hahaha...

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