14 March 2008

Work Work Work!

A short ad, the gang went to a talk about health. Apparently, if you gobble up the Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver pills it replaces brain cells.. or whatever, fact, it saves memory and as you get older, you will still remember many things, basically, if you lose your mind (hahaha) you will get a replacement of some sort. hahaha.. oh well.. they told that to me much better than how I present it to you.

Anyway, especially for babies...if you take Scott at a very young age, it helps develop the brain thing.. brainy kids, in a nutshell. Raiyan takes the orange liquid kind 'periodically' hahaha.. lupa wah sometimes.... ia kan main saja wah... I think he likes the original better cos when he was a lot younger he sipped passionately on the plain ones, whereas he cringes on the orange ones.
Amal... will be the automatic millionaire soon... hahahaha...
Moutie said, that photo of Amal above... should come with a slogan .. well... motto.... that sounds like' This is Amal, she's young, she's single and she likes to mingle'. hahah nice? And he said in other words.... ...hehehhee...never mind..... very cute though.... the other message.
Amal has a boomerang on her table... she sits across Dinah's, Dinah sits next to me and she is MIA! We hate her! She is at a course for the whole Inspectorate week!

Anyway...our as-if-really-free-to-sit-around-day went something like this..

Shikin: Mal... now I'm curious wahh... who invented the boomerang and why aaah....cana kan...
Amal: welll~ the aborigines kan.. and they use it to hunt ...
Shikin: Ye laah... but how kan ah ...
Amal and Shikin: *being nutcases* macam di umban nya kana the animals then it comes back la... hahaha.. or if not kalau inda kana they get it back...hahahaha... it comes back to them and gets another throw..hahahaha.... they try another time... hahahaha
Everyone listening to us : ha ! ha ! ha! ha !!
Shikin: Why dont you throw it....hehehehehehhe
Amal: No, I dont want to throw it cos I'm afraid it wont come back. kekekekekekeke...
Shikin: *laughs* *swears* &^%$# hahaha apa kan... hahaha apa kan kau anie.. ia boomerang kan designed to come back hahahaha... cuba saja... test the theory....
Amal: *laughs* inda.. krg inda come back to me.. hahahaha... (looking rather confident)
Shikin: ehhh.. hahahaha... apa kan kau anie..... cuba ia.. go go...
The two lunatics: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ bah cubaaa.. noo.. bahh laju.... balik kah inda.. haha.. no ... inda.. hahahaha....

oh well... that is the English Department. Sudah tah pacis2.... bising lagi everyday....
Here is Shikin's boomerang. hehehehehhe .... during the Inspectorate meeting at 1pm.. I was excused at 2.45pm hehehehe... would have loved to stay but I had a parcel from Turkey to collect, in time for club meet on saturday.

Oh just to share, at the risk of sounding obnoxious, the Nazir thought my work was excellent. That recording I had to do last week on the 6th, the one that made me tired beyond measure...was great. He said he had never seen anything like it.My work is too creative and different. He told me to leave the teaching profession hahaha... serious, he said the school will lose an asset but I am good somewhere else.He supports me both ways but such talent will go wasted. What talent? I just get bored easily. I cant sit still. I do more....the rest are good teachers... I'm just fun... hahaha... I cant stand a boring class... *sigh* so when you are a teacher you dont get anywhere?

I am in the middle of my cv by the way. I think I have touched enough lives... hahaha time to move on cos I have no passion for teaching anymore. Nazir said "why didnt you take it!" when I told him I was offered 3x.... I said ,"I loved teachingggg! It's my passion, at the time." My loyalty has its limits apparently. I told the Nazir that the fact they are making us Education Officers stay back 3x a week did it for me.. I would rather sit in an office now. Guess what? He agrees and shoos me away ... hahaha...

He told me not to touch that issue. I said no! I want that 'told'. hahahah.. think MOE think... how many good teachers ( I know we all are!) are you willing to lose just because of the staying back thing. Has it ever occur to you lot that some people (maybe just me) join the troop merely because of...working half day he he he he he! And do you think we don't get tired? We don't just sit. We yell out, talk aloud, move our hands more than a traffic warden and we stand for hours daily just to educate the youth.
My classroom is never dull. In saying that, you might not even get anything out of it but a fun lesson. Once it gets dull and the kids look like they are gonna cry out of boredom, I'd stop the lesson and make them 'streetwise', talk to them about things around us..make them appreciate things they have or just tell them about the new food on menu at a certain restaurant hahaha..or show my new handbag and stuff and listen to 'student's goossssip'..siok yo... hahaha... that is education too you know!

Oh just so you know, the lessons I sometimes stopped, do get resumed. It's a trick. A diversion. A mood creator. The fun time, I mean. They love it when a lesson is stopped,they feel free, only to actually find themselves revamped and able to concentrate more and better on their lessons afterwards.. hahaha kids, they will believe anything. Hence, be careful what you teach them. You are an idol when you are a teacher.. beats American Idol. hahaha...apa kan...
Yesterday,the kids listened to Unwell by Matchbox 20. They filled in the verb and close passages. He he he.... they loved it... they sang along as they filled them in.. They want more! I'm gonna make the boys sing to Britney's I'm not a girl~ not yet a woman! hahaha... trust me.. I could do something like that... it is in my character to... he he he he he.. *smiles* I won't... dont worry.... but I could.

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